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What is CXM (Customer Experience Management) and what does it Mean for Your Business

When it comes to technology and marketing, new tools, products, experiences, and approaches are always on the horizon, making it hard for some businesses to stay on top of all the options. Just when you finally get a handle on something, it always seems that something new appears.

The latest concept, process, and/or approach being used in many companies is CXM, otherwise known as Customer Experience Management. Basically, CXM refers to the variety of interactions a customer may have with a company, whether via email, social media, digital, or any other combination.

With CXM, a company will try to tailor their marketing efforts around the customer’s specific perspective. This is done through the use of multiple marketing platforms and in-depth customer analytics.

What does CXM mean for my business?

CXM can be an asset to your company. Most companies may be trembling at the thought that CXM means they’ll have to throw out their current marketing tactics and spend thousands of dollars on new systems or tools, but this is not the case. CXM doesn’t require you to throw out your traditional marketing efforts, but instead look at them from your customers’ perspective and determine where changes can be made or what other additional tools you can use.

Instead of creating a website, starting a social media campaign, and sending out a few email blasts, you need to combine all your efforts into a stronger campaign.

For example, take a look at the analytics for your current marketing strategies. Does your website see a lot of traffic, and do you notice that most of this traffic is coming from one specific source more than others, (e.g., social media, email, search, etc.)? If you notice a pattern, you’ll want to capitalize on this.

If you notice that the only email marketing campaigns that work are those that include call to actions that lead to your website, then you’ll want to ensure that all email marketing campaigns going forward provide a call to action that leads back to your site in order to improve traffic.

You can also use this as a way to tailor one specific campaign throughout all of your platforms. For example, if you’re offering a special promotion on your website, make sure this promotion is carried out through your social media channels, email marketing, digital marketing, and other campaigns as well. This concise branding will improve the customer experience.

How do I start implementing CXM?

As mentioned above, implementing CXM requires taking a hard look at your analytics and making decisions based on the information you receive. If all of this sounds like a foreign language, it’s better to hireCX customer experience consultants to help you. These companies are experienced in CX (customer experience) and have proprietary CX measurement tools that can help you get a better handle on your marketing efforts. Then, based on the information, these consultants can help you tailor a plan to help your company find CXM success.

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