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The Summer Road Trip!

With summer fast approaching it is time to get planning that ultimate road trip. It could be to a nearby beach, lake, or halfway across the country to see friends and relatives. Cruising in the summer is great, much better than the winter. Especially if you do it with friends, though there is no problem going it alone. Sometimes it can be better than a normal holiday. Finding out places of interest on ground level as you cruise on by. There are certain things you should do to ensure the trip is a memorable one with no issues that hold you back. This article can help you in this regard. You must ensure that your car is suitable for the trip, that you take the right kinds of equipment for what you want to do. For example, if you are climbing mountains and going on great off road adventures you will likely want to take a different car than if you were just hitting the standard roads and freeways. Remember, preparation is key. Be proactive and not reactive to ensure you get the most out of your road trip. You may have even already considered some of the following tips, which is great because you’re thinking in the right way. Yet persevere because you could pick something up that is of interest to you.

The Summer Road Trip

One of the first things you need to consider is the car you want to take. Of course the logical choice is the car you already own, but don’t be so sure. If you are going on a long trip that is going to take all of summer or longer then you need to be ensure the car is good enough. Yours may not be. You could end up on the wrong side of an accident due to the wrong car choice, though if it isn’t your fault consider visiting Be logical, if you are visiting mountainous regions then you need to take something more sturdy. Don’t take a bucket of bolts if you are going to be running down the freeway. That’s not to say you need something new or expensive, just something that is good and won’t fall apart as soon as you go over 50MPH.

Now you have your car you need a plan. To get the most out of your road trip you need to plot out your course. Sure, something can be said about just winging it, and there will surely be random offshoots you take to check things out that you haven’t planned, it is part of the fun. Yet, if you plan it out it means you won’t miss anything important or spectacular. Research is the best way around this. Do a little bit of research about each place you are stopping in or the route you are taking. You’ll find some great sights to stop off at on your way. Use a map and draw them out.

On the same note you should sort out accommodation before you leave. You may take a tent with you and spend a night or two in the wild, but when staying in cities you should ensure that you have somewhere to sleep at all times. The issue arises when you cruise into a new city or town where there is something going on and all the hotels booked up. It also looks after your finances. If everything is booked up before hand you can take that financial burden out of the equation when you set off.

You should do your gas estimations. It’ll cost a lot in gas, especially if you are going cross country. Just remember to take the money for this. Do your estimations and then take more money than you think you’ll need purely allocated for gas. The random extra journeys you take will take their toll, so be aware and be smart. It also makes sense if you look ahead and check where the cheaper gas stations are, if you are on a budget this can save some extra cash.

If there are things you really want to do on your journeys that are quite expensive you should take money specifically for that. Again, it means less coming out of your general pool of cash. It could be for a entrance to a theme park or show that you really want to see. Look ahead for tolls and work out how much they are going to cost you, they may be cheap but if you are going through many of them they are going to

When planning your road trip consider who you want to take with you. You’ll be spending a long time with them on the road so make sure that you get on well. If there are more than two of you make sure there will be enough space for your luggage. Again it depends how long you are going for, just be sure the space is workable. The more you carry the more gas you use too, so ensure you bear this in mind.

In terms of your car you need to be forward thinking. Get it serviced before you leave to ensure there is nothing deeply and mechanically wrong with the car. Serious issues on the road can cost a lot of money and cut your trip short. Having an expert check it over can avert this. You should also change the tyres, a long road trip takes its toll, so ensure you don’t leave with any bald tyres because it could cause an accident. You should also think about what spare parts to take. A few bulbs could be good, especially if you are going to be driving at night. You can find someone to fit them with ease but the parts can be hard to come by depending on your model. In conjunction with this you should take a spare tyre. Not the run slow tyre, but an actual spare tyre. If you plan on going off road this is a must. Along with these take some spark plugs, oil, water, and other vital fluids like windscreen fluid. By doing this you can mitigate certain issues before you travel.

For your own comfort you may want to look at recharging the air conditioning too. If you are driving through hot areas it will make the difference. Check the seats, ensure they are comfortable enough for long haul driving. Consider seat covers if not, they can give you that extra bit of comfort over the long haul drives.

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