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6 Free Book Promotion Mistakes to Avoid

Learning how to promote your book, you’ll avoid the most common mistakes authors commit and instead do better in exposing it to your target readers. Check out the following for an idea about the biggest marketing blunders authors make.

Biggest Book Marketing Mistakes

Biggest Book Marketing Mistakes

1. Not interacting with fellow writers and readers

Failing at establishing open communication and real connections, most authors miss the chance of getting more people interested in their book. Know that fellow writers and target readers are real people who value real relationships.  Don’t be robotic or self-centered in the free book promotion.

A few examples include sales-only techniques and “all about me” pitches. Instead, approach book marketing with openness and genuineness.

2. Marketing too late

Marketing your book a few weeks before its launch is a mistake. To learn how to market your book effectively and gain results later, start promoting it six months before it hits the bookshelves. Did you know that most bookstores and libraries schedule author appearances six months before publishing?

3. Not connecting online

The internet is a free book promotion venue, but some authors don’t use it properly. Leverage its power by interacting, connecting and communicating with people.  Be polite and genuine! If a blogger shows interest in helping you, you must express gratitude and respond professionally.


4. Using an unprofessional book cover

People are drawn into visuals! Work on an amazing book cover that invites attention and prompts people in previewing the book.

An eye-catching cover will receive more interest from subscribers of book promotion services, which send their readers an email with a list of top deals as well as featured and new books. Make sure your cover is engaging and simple for more clicks on your book.

5. Not getting reviews

It’s not easy getting reviews especially from influencers in your subject. While book promotion services can market your book without reviews, they suggest getting some for the best results.

6. Setting a high price for the book

One of the worst tactics on how to market your book is setting a high price for it. Did you know that readers subscribe to book promotion services because they’re looking for top deals? If you’re aiming at getting a massive reader volume, price the book at $0.99 or make it free. In most cases, selling it under $2.99 is also ideal or perhaps lower for more downloads.

Are you ready to market your book?Take note of these how to promote your book mistakes, including setting a high price, not connecting online, and using an unprofessional cover to get the best results in book marketing today!

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