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How Franchises Can Benefit From Freephone Numbers

With the number of franchises growing every year at an exponential rate, it is important that such businesses ensure that they are creating a positive customer experience. Not just within the physical shop itself, but also in how it allows its customers to interact with the business in other preferential ways.

The success of a franchise depends on customer satisfaction. There are many different aspects to consider when thinking about what is most important to a customer when visiting your franchise. However, the most important factor for a franchise to drive revenue in relation to its customers is to build a rapport with them.

Friendliness is one of the key factors in every business in achieving the aforementioned goals. Concerns and questions a customer may have should always be responded to as quickly as possible to avoid customer dissatisfaction. But what is the best way of ensuring that customers are always able to reach out to a franchise?

The answer is Freephone numbers from Smart Numbers Ltd, a leading creative telecommunications company in the UK.

What is a Freephone number?

Freephone numbers such as 0800 numbers allow customers to easily call a business for free from their landline or mobile phones. They can call for free at any time during the businesses working hours. They are cost-effective for both the business and the customer, bringing you benefits in both aspects. The numbers are charged on their incoming calls, rather than to the person calling.

A freephone number is a beneficial asset to your everyday business functions. It has the ability to improve your relations with your customers. Not only that, but it has substantial benefits surrounding how your business is perceived nationally. You can even reach businesses outside your local region. Helping to increase your status and relations further afield. 

What benefits can freephone numbers offer for a franchise? 

When trying to establish yourself as a franchise, recognition is key. Acknowledgement from other companies will allow you to build better relations. As well as reducing the risk of people not answering the phone due to an unknown number. A freephone number will give your company a national image as well as allowing you to choose a recognisable number.

You have the option to choose memorable and repetitive numbers that your customers will easily identify. This is extremely useful when considering how you can use this number to market your services. You can even market using different freephone numbers for each advertisement. Whether this is by TV or radio, if it’s paired with a catchy theme tune you can guarantee people will remember it… whether they like it or not. I’m sure no one will ever forget the irresistibly tuneful number of Hastings Direct.

Alternatively, standard freephone numbers are cheap to set up and still easy to remember. Their standard beginning is widely recognised by both customers and businesses as a free number to call.

Whether you choose a personalised freephone number or a standard number for your franchise, you are expanding your potential to increase the volume of calls you receive. This number is more likely to make your franchise appear to be both trustworthy and professional. It also suggests that you care about your customers and consider their needs. This will make customer loyalty much easier to attain.

What benefits can a freephone number offer for the customer?

There are approximately 561,000 people working for franchises in the UK. This means customer calls are always likely to be answered due to the number of employees there to answer the phone. With so many employees, it is probable they are well-established, and a lot of people know of their existence. Customer’s brand awareness will already be at a high rate. They may even have a friend or relative working for the business.

Such businesses will receive numerous calls a day. Especially if they have a freephone number, as people will be more willing to call them. The more people that call and receive a positive customer experience, the more likely these people will discuss and recommend the business to others.

With more people becoming constantly glued to their mobile phones, a freephone number is advantageous for those wanting to make a quick, free query. A phenomenal 93% of the UK public recognise that 0800 numbers are free to call. This statistic demonstrates the large sum of calls you are likely to receive as a franchise having this number. A free number to call from either a mobile or landline gives the customer an incentive to find out more about your business. You can then build a positive rapport with your loyal customers and promote yourself in ways that you may not be able to online or through a normal working day.

How will freephone numbers differentiate your franchise from others?

There are currently 930 franchise systems in the UK, meaning that there are 22,400 individual franchisees. A freephone number allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors and offer customers something that others may not have. It is important to build a rapport with your customers no matter your business. Offering them a free number that they can call to seek advice or information is one of the ways you can achieve this.

Even if the location of your franchise changes, the number will stay the same. Therefore, if your franchise grows, it is still easy for customers to get in touch with you. This helps to avoid customer confusion and irritation. It will also help to improve the reputation and the loyalty of the business this way.

Although most franchises have their own websites, including a Freephone number on this shows that you are serious about your customers. The option of allowing them to call you rather than send an email makes the interaction more personal. This is particularly advantageous to both you and the customer if it is urgent. A freephone number shows a willingness to support your customer. It also encourages their custom and curiosity.

So, what’s stopping you from improving your relations with both your customers and other businesses? Freephone numbers give you the option to let your business grow. Not just physically, but also in how its relationships can flourish and expand.

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